Jorge Von Salsa

Come on, even the Q-stache doesn't rate on the Lannometer:

I know. It's one of the most conflicted moments you will ever have.


"Huh. Never knew they made one of these with women in it!"

It's creepy because of A Modest Proposal DUH

I didn't get that she didn't want him to; I got that she's trying desperately to keep it together because she probably feels like if she falls apart, he's going to be twenty times worse.

Disagree; it may not be populist, but the brevity in no way undermined any of the criticism, which I felt was pretty much on the money.

…says the guy with the Phil Spector avatar!

I haven't seen all the sigils to decipher the production crew ones yet, but from what I can tell, one of them seems to be an icon of the four major houses as seen in the title credits, all on one square.

I like her choices so far in portraying Cersei. If she were just an out-and-out Lady Macbeth from the first, she would have nowhere to go with the character. I think it's very important that she's the way she is from the jump, because her machinations reveal themselves more in the future as she seizes her

Man, fuck this.

@wwhvd: well no, because he loves her and wishes in some way that he could emerge as her husband and the rightful father of their children. He feels humiliated because what's thrown in his face constantly is how much of a lout her husband is and how he's sworn to defend the man.

He does look like he needs a good throttling.

Cheese +1

Don't forget to consider Lysa as a foil for Cat. She's obviously one of the worst characters in the book, both overtly and privately; shallow, evil, shortsighted, manipulative, and just like Cersei and Cat, somewhat criminally fawning over her own children.

I think some of Cat's "bad decisions" are probably limited to

Nice Lemur, but I think it's probably more of a callback to that great South Philly ball-busting scene in Rocky:

You could always drop the difficulty setting a bit, Internet Shithead.

All I know is my gut says maybe.