Jorge Von Salsa

may have missed this in the comments
but Salon was all over this in November:

Listen, I'm sure the kid doesn't care because it won the millionaire baby lottery. Its parents can be pretentious as fuck and it will still be taken care of.

You know the Steinbrenners?


Ugh, her acceptance speech was the very definition of maudlin and insufferable…

No, I don't think Tom Stoppard has written a "terrible" movie, and it was remarkably well acted and filmed. You can argue about its relative merits as a Best Picture winner, but you could do that with a lot of fucking movies. Shakespeare in Love is a good film.

Makes you think — hell, they landed a helicopter onstage in Miss Saigon and it didn't end up like the Twilight Zone movie.

I'm just sick of all this Uncle Vladism coming from you so-called enlightened hipster scum. The whole "forty caskets and a thrall" proclamation did nothing to ease the burden of vampintegration in the postwar South, to the point that lunch counters in the 1960s were being uprooted by authority-abusing police if they

Skat-slinging Richard Nixon

I hope they show Ghost Lincoln and reveal once and for all the location of his hidden gold.

"This one has the ability to tune…"

Biracial Thomas Jefferska

Wouldn't it be the Overnight Railroad?

and the obligatory, "Dad, that's his crotch."

I take it you haven't seen Dark City or Bless the Child, keefka.

The dulcet tones of Pierce Brosnan's braying didn't do it for you, eh?

Thank you, Stupid Sexy Flanders.

I don't think even making a movie about this would lend any cogency to the supposed plot. I've listened to the album a ton of times, but there's no clear narrative throughline, IMO.

Then you'll love the hilarity of these "too hot for Canadian TV" PSA's: