Jorge Von Salsa

"The Dark Knight Rides Without a Helmet"

for the whole index:

How much of that is due to Bakula, though?

@Avatar Avatar - no you wouldn't either…

@F&S - well you remember the Valentine's dinner with Bob Vance episode, and they WERE in the bathroom a while…

…in which it is revealed that Dunder Mifflin/Sabre is really an international cigarette smuggling ring!

@hulk - or so the Germans would have us believe…

I get it!

11 years old and counting
But still some of the best writing/reporting ever done on exactly how corrupt the Grammys are:

I hope he teams up with Clay Matthews to beat the hell out of Ben Roethlisburger.

The dollar's at par now.

Ovechkin, is that you?

Well get Arthur Suydam to paint the posters!

Yes, hipster-billy. Truly the least creative city in the world, second only to metropolitan NYC, which makes the Islanders, Mets, and Knicks all don orange and blue.

You never got the impression Lights came from a disadvantaged background? Not even when his estranged mom came back and talked about abandoning her husband to raise four kids in a one bedroom apartment with a pull-0ut couch? Or the fact that they live in Bayonne?

Yeah, I hate the game a lot, and I found Landgraf's refusal to accept responsibility for what I feel was the gross undermarketing of Terriers to be less than honorable — but I completely respect the guy for his uncanny openness and approachability. The man is a stud for greenlighting lots of offbeat, chancey projects,

I liked the early episodes of this show a lot more than when it started meandering after the dismissal of Romeo. The last great episode was the David Morse one; the one with the senior scammers last week was intolerably poor, and this was a trite, if satisfying ending.



Mark Cuban has a network?