Tyler the Awesome Guy

The Wendy Corduroy Chronicles, coming to HBO, summer 2017.

Wendy is younger than me, too, but I still like her. Also, it's not illegal unless there's actual intercourse.

In other news, ping-pong spelled backwards is "gnop-gnip"

"Wendy! If you don't stop being badass, I'll have to continue masturbating to you!"

Well, sure, if you're into that kinda stuff.

Exactly! Couldn't agree with you more. She's pretty much everything I want in another woman.

Man could Wendy be anymore hotter?

Don't they already have a police comedy on FOX? It's called Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Now everyone in Canada is going to vote for Stephen Harper just to spite John Oliver and Mike Myers.

I like Nickelback.

Same here.

And the haters nearly quadruple that. Studies that I completely made up say so, so it has to be true!

This was definitely IMO, the scariest Simpsons episode, intentionally so of course, excluding the Treehouse of Horrors.

I do like the newer episodes. I actually feel that The Simpsons was pretty good up until Season 23. After that, they kinda got bad, and by "bad", I mean there were fewer amazing episodes and more middle-of-the-road, bland episodes. Now there's probably three or four really good episodes as opposed to half the season

Time to break out the champagne! I thought I'd be long dead until people had good things to say about modern-day Simpsons.

I always thought of Renee as Meg Griffin when she grew up.

Finally people actually have GOOD things to say about The Simpsons.


Totally agree. This is why I still love The Simpsons.

The Gilbert Family learned a valuable lesson: screw everything.