Tyler the Awesome Guy

They really should do at least the first TBS season as it is a bit of a milestone for the show, what with branching over to a new network and everything, and it being heavily promoted by TBS as their "saving grace", I believe that they should take advance.

While I am enjoying this season, it seems like there are loads of missed comedic opportunities that the writers should have taken. First was when they decided not to have Howard take Sheldon's class, and now for them not to own partial stocks in a comic book store. Two great comedic potentials tossed asunder. I do

Hilarious episode. I laughed more at this episode than any other episode this season.

Yeah. They even stopped reviewing American Dad, which is one of my favourite shows and consistently gets better week after week. However, they didn't review the final three FOX episodes for whatever reason.

I like how he pronounces Bill Clinton's name.

So they basically just gave up reviewing Family Guy? I am not complaining, but, it's a little weird.

The new series from the Netflix, House of Loki. Starring Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston (no relation to House of Cards)

I love Portlandia and everything, but best comedy of all-time? Against all those great television comedies like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Friends, Frasier, I Love Lucy, Cheers, etc.? I don't think so.

What if they don't like Bruce Springsteen and Eminem?


Fuck! Why can't Twilight just fucking die already? I'm so sick of it.

You know, for kids!

Larry David always seems like he is not grateful or proud of his shows. Even on the Seinfeld bonus material, he seems very subdued and somewhat sad, thinking of the whole experience as a negative thing rather than a positive thing, like he doesn't understand that he created two extremely successful, hilarious shows

So my movie script "Terry Crews: The Angry Prostitute" I wrote a few years ago finally paid off!


Oh how I missed your bashes against Family Guy. God bless you!

I could have led a long and productive life without seeing the "sexy Olaf" costume, thank you very much.

Sadly… none that I can think of.

I think it would be incredibly stupid to try and sue Disney, because Disney probably has the greatest lawyers in the world.

It will be called "Tangled: The Live Action Version"