The Leader Is Good The Leader

The Earth was a made up story from stuff lying around a police station!

That episode where that guy kidnapped him to add to his collection had a huge gay subtext.

It's pronounced BOO-KAY.

Kno whut I mean?

Maybe, but unfortunately Avatar has been forever lost to history.

Yeah, in the first one he was just a hippie scientist.


Yeah, damn if that isn't brilliant.

I think that's the point they were trying to make, part of the movies success (in their opinion) was that people wanted to see a"real", manly president who kicked ass and didn't even bother with the "taking names later". And when the first lady got too "uppity" they killed her off. They also made these claims for Air

I've done this reading books in bed with a flashlight.

Because she is a sexy lady we will let her!

Would you blow up Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever album?

Also, he's addicted to the wild sex.

I meant make the humans the bad guys this time. Do a commentary on the war on terror/WMD by having Earth go out and attack the aliens to protect the "homeworld."

Ok, but what was Arthur C. Clarke's excuse in 3001?

Or if the humans used the alien technology to invade other planets.

Yup, I remember that too.

Certainly nothing else did.

Stupid Lawgivers!

Thorry to hear he's tho thor!