The Leader Is Good The Leader

More like Shelly Short Career AMIRITE?

Ol' Sourpuss lives!

A Hard Radians A-gonna Fall


Giles was Buffy's wotcher.

Stephen King's Sometimes There's A Comeback Tour.

It's OK, you can lie.

Yeah, that's the one that stood out on the list for me.

They are scared of flying and boats?

A ton of people I sorta like mixed with people I've never heard of covering a band I don't give a shit about.

It's U2's October week at the AV Club!

Hey, you want free speech, go to Russia!

The end times according to Art Bell?

She's so fat she's on first AND second!

I ain't for it, I agin' it!

Fun fact: Nostradamus would give you $100 if you could get him to say " I predict."

Also, it gave people gas.

Thanks to his secretary named Kennedy!

