
I genuinely wish I were there for that pitch.

"Polarizing as shit" is pretty much the only way I've been able to describe this so far. The review distributions are hilariously bimodal across the few sites that've chosen to watch it.

I loved that whole arc. Thought the interconnection between the timelines was supercool, and they handled it pretty damn well.

Aww, it wasn't BAD. Just… mediocre. Like, I'm really glad I went to see it in theaters. It's definitely not being added to my Pixar-rewatch canon, but it was worth seeing for the visuals, and the lack of a complex plot certainly didn't detract from it (for me, at least).

Huh, really? Fascinating. They managed to create some pretty exceptional worlds on half a team, to say the least, in that case.

I have! The desert shots are absurdly gorgeous. I still can't believe some of that lighting work is as old as it is - honestly, that movie holds up way better than everyone gives it credit for.

I mean, as far as technical achievement goes, The Good Dinosaur blew Inside Out out of the water. I'm not surprised in the least. Not sure if I've ever seen an animated movie with landscapes that genuinely beautiful.

One of the few times I've liked lens flare was the introductory shot of the Anomaly in Interstellar. They were already going for broke with the ultra trippy CGI 4D black hole hypersphere, so having flashing lights appear out of nowhere reflecting off of what appeared to be the tearing of the fabric of reality itself

I thought it really stood out among the crop of present day animated shows. You don't really get too many bio pieces these days, and Burr's comic voice is so incredibly singular and expressed throughout pretty much every aspect of the show that it kinda transcended the "edgy schlock" it was marketed as. Kinda just

Netflix has a long history of making godawful trailers for pretty excellent shows. **coughcough F is for family coughcough**

Night Dick's monologue had me in stitches. I can't believe how much I missed this damn show.

I know it's a fairly feasible dream, but I would borderline kill to hear the Interstellar soundtrack performed with a live organ. There are few instruments as absurdly powerful live, and Zimmer's composition takes advantage of every ounce of its strength. Aaand, Zimmer live is just a magnificent experience overall (so

I was thoroughly not expecting that. I… jeez. I'm gonna need to save that clip.

Hey! It's Shelly!

…never would've guessed. But this is the first time Disney's taken advantage of the same day release pattern of comics and Rebels (which took a while longer than I'd expected, but they totally nailed it).

I mean, at some point, probably? It had to get sold to Paramount somewhere along the line.


It's free, though!

The only part that I laughed at was the tupperware running-over scene. That was pretty solid visual comedy, but that was just because it had absolute nothing to do with the characters or plot of that movie.

YES. YES. SO MUCH BETTER. Holy shit, 4 was good again, and Nemesis Games was maybe the best in the series. Don't give up.