Star Ward

The detachment is attached, yes

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

You're fired.

how tired

ok, sure. gotta send this email first. meet you at the elevator

I'm done wasting my time talking to you.

it would be much appreciated, no offense, if gimmicky commenters would go to Cracked to post these hilarious comments

Fuck off, no one asked you. This isn't your concern. It's about douchebags like you clogging up the comment section on this site with nothgin worthy to say or add to the discussion

Eric Kunt, I think it's time to find a new website to waste your time on.

you think you're getting a Rage Against the Machine record review,
but hmmm this looks promising.

I was merely… Acting!

Marcia Gay Harden

RCG is a douchebag +7

And yet she is best known as a member of the all-female pop band The Banglettes.

Ha ha haaa ('bout time!)

Thumb's Up.

Fuck the bullshit be it far from me to pop that.


The Liberace Biopic