
Ok, that's the best laugh I've had in days!

The only reason I stopped listening to the Indoor Kids last week was to fire up the Skyrim :) Both weeks with Harmon were excellent and I really like Kumail and Emily, it's quickly becoming one of my favorite podcasts.

His time on the Mental Illness Happiness Hour was great, of course he wasn't trying to be funny the whole time…

Agree, too.  But then I think about that comedy special with Louis C.K., Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld and Gervais, where Louis says he likes a good fart joke and try to remember to get over myself.

My question is does his ability to fake out a lie detector invalidate what he said about loving Juliet?

Yeah, I noticed that too, I started looking her up on IMDB just to see if she was listed on a future episode :)

Not Steven Weber, but his costar Tim Daly was the big gay asshole.

Ah thank you! That's what I was thinking every time they confronted him in an enclosed space. Why keep going at him if you know he is a psychopath, just shoot him from a distance.

He has had David Cross on before, it was a pretty good interview, a lot of reminiscing. He does a listing of all of interviews on his website, wtfpod.com

Nicely done there TEPFPR

Gretchen is a woman and Lifetime is television for women

Don't forget they also all had the same carefully manicured beards as well

Love the final scene in "Credit"
Is it wrong that I get goosebumps when Ainsley walks down the SPTDV and hears the music start up? I think it is such a cool moment of welcome.

Nancy Reagan used to just say no to Ansari.

Thompson is the fleet admiral and nanny-man is the captain of the ship.

Is that like the Sex Rule of Three from American Pie 2?

Uma's first movie…Johnny Be Good with Robert Downey Jr and Anthony Michael Hall. Truly the hottest she has looked.

There is a website for Sheldon's hate of WilWheaton
It's actually pretty funny: http://www.willwheatonstink…
I want a "The Wesley Crushers" t-shirt.

Warm Springs
I rather liked him in Warm Springs.

Tasha is Right!
Peter Gabriel's Passion soundtrack is great. When I was in grad school, I had to listen to something or go crazy, and that sound track is perfect, beautiful music, interesting without being distracting. I still recommend it to students whenever I get the chance.