Jordan Orlando

I love the ridiculous conceit that it's "the same ship, but improved." There's not a single element from the old ship that's still there. The proportions are totally different; every part of the interior and exterior is brand new.

My problem with Ronin was more that he's a great character in the 1970s comics and he needn't have come off so flat and dull onscreen.

Jayden Smith calls it "Star Track." I'm totally not kidding; that's what he thinks it's called.

Yeah, but he still could just be taking Loki's word for it.

"Conscious uncoupling"

Yeah, all that stuff is great.

It's more likely that we'll see the Improbable Man

Nobody had better — and more ridiculous — female superhero hair than Jennifer Garner in Elektra. The fight sequences were like a conditioner commercial.

I can't remember exactly — I'll have to go check. But the monologue I'm referring to is, I think, the end of the Book II. Whoever is raging against the sky screams, "Go ahead! Hit us again! We'll go to the tundra and the frozen ice! We can live anywhere! And when you least expect it we'll come back and blast you from

That's the "Bugs Bunny" tactic. It works every time. He's going to put on a skirt and a wig and lipstick and say (in a falsetto) "Hey, Ultron! Yoo hoo!"

Words can't express how tired I am of these snotty remarks.

Respectfully, no, I'm telling you how it was. Dan Castalleneta is listed first because Homer's the main character. It's not a matter of opinion. (Cartwright comes before Castalleneta alphabetically.)

No, Homer was the main character and Bart was the surprise breakout star. (I remember distinctly — it's the reason Dan Castalleneta is the first actor listed. And they talk about it on the DVDs.)

Wasn't that the one where Spielberg's in a director's chair and he turns around and gives this smarmy grin to the camera? (And he was about to go make Hook.) God, I hated that period…it's a miracle that Twin Peaks was on at the same time.

You just reminded me of Miracleman. "My apologists have insisted that the bus I threw at him was empty. I'm sorry, that isn't true."

The Judean People's Front?

"How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that. Someday they may be scarce."

And then on the plane in Quantum he drinks five of them (or whatever that guy's serving)!

Also, I must be just out of sync with everyone else because I love the Jack White/Alicia Keys song (and the title sequence) and I can't stand that Adele business or the mediocre animation they came up with for it.

It's on the edge of too-much-shakycam (people at the time were arguing that they were blatantly in a panic about the need to mimic the Bourne movies) but the final couple of minutes where they're both dangling from those ropes and trying to get to their dropped guns (and Bond just barely makes it first) is fantastic.