Jordan Orlando

Rust accused Marty of sleeping with "a girl who looks like a young Maggie" in, I think, episode 3. (Following his observation of their interaction at that "roadhouse" or whatever the hell kind of place you go to in Louisiana to drink and dance).

Thank you! I agree completely. I don't understand the bland reaction…this stuff is incredible.

Respectfully, that's ridiculous. Rust is the most morally upright character on the show, by a mile. His contempt of everyone else's wrongdoing (and corresponding rationalizations and excuses) has been entirely consistent and heartfelt.

Yeah, and Sally just fucked Bugs Meany!

Yeah, but it wasn't the Glenn Gould version.

Anyone still on this thread? I'm trying to break this down:

Wait a month for the Blu-ray set. "If you have the means I recommend it."

I just got into this show (and shotgunned all five episodes in a couple of days), and headed over here to AVClub, knowing what I would find: the only worthwhile, intelligent, interesting discussion on the topic to be had anywhere. And I wasn't disappointed.

It's like "All noises on this record made by The Police." It's a brag, a "rule," a dogmatic framework that's temporary until it's permanent and permanent until it's temporary. Mondrian and no curves; Matisse and five colors; Springsteen's "Nebraska." Limits vs. freedom. It's all just art; it's the dotted white lines

Well, duh.

Soylent Green is made of a chicken

She's with the guy whose girlfriend she ostensibly killed (although he hasn't been told) and the psycho little girl who actually did it (whom she's taking the rap for). How much more dramatic and suspenseful could it be?

Yeah. That, combined with the "I couldn't remember if Glenn was on the bus" had me thinking that this reviewer isn't exactly taking his responsibilities seriously.

Every so often something on the internet actually makes me laugh out loud, and this is one of those times.

I love this movie!

Re-watching the movie right now, I'm really enjoying all the faces Ray Wise is pulling throughout, trying to look "evil."

I actually hate that explanation, for reasons that coincide with my firm belief that Arthur C. Clarke has essentially no understanding of 2001: A Space Odyssey, what it is, and how it works cinematically, beyond its most literal sci-fi constructions. (I think he understands 2001 about as badly as Stephen King

Yeah, that's all 100% on target.

I always want someone to snap at her, "Will you get over it with the Bothans already? They knew what they were getting into!"

"Don't touch me MAN"