
Wow! Reality is whatever you want it be!!

Must have missed that glorious era where wypipo using 'that word' had a legitimate context.

Denver!! YEAH!!

I'm the WEA-sel!!

Say both inciting incidents [Nugent and Griffin] happen this moment. There is no public outcry for either. Now, which of the two inciters is making the rounds of View/Chew/Colbert/Kimmel/DailyShow in a few weeks, and which one resumes farting into the same sofa cushion on his rural MI ranch?

It's kind of a 'you had to be there' thing, because it marked a sharp turn in the ebbs and flows of cinematic strategies over time, but it was a strong resurgence in the type of movie where you sense that a strong vision was in complete control of the entire process. Many use the term auteur.

No, she was Gob Bluth/Miller's Mom.

Ah'd like noine Ree-sees pee-cees and a cahton of Oran Juissss, Boff

Didn't see them making any exciting underwear

'the clouds are beautiful'

Absolutely, no worse. And I'm not even looking for repercussions.

And the humor of the lines themselves is only a portion. I chuckle days and weeks later when people cite the lines thinking about all the time Furlong and Will must have spent sitting in some federal office working up this catalog of abuse and confirming Will's ability to recall on cue.

Anyone else get a Michael Clayton vibe from the ending shot?

Nice to see The Real Eleanor in life.

I got a definite vibe of Louis' 'Double Dinner' episode.

Maybe she's still tired from carrying on the human race.

A lot of people saying they are unfamiliar with TBT. Those of you really owe it to yourself to watch Scorsese's 'My Voyage to Italy,' and to print out his list of must watch Italian neo-real works. The documentary explains why the movies are important, and the list you can just carry around with you as needed.

"“Me time” is a seemingly American concept."

Wow, that's a . . . twist . . . on events. The person who sent the email wasn't a token adult RA with a 'sort of' job, but a resident lecturer and spouse of a resident professor.

Direct linking to Rawstory?