Mr. List

I saw that article too, but that was a couple of days after the episode aired.

I almost choked on my drink when Ron said "Where's that refill?" I had to pause the show I was laughing way too hard.

I almost choked on my drink when Ron said "Where's that refill?" I had to pause the show I was laughing way too hard.

Firstly, I think Andy's characterization now is much closer to what he was originally in Stamford, but with the cluelessness he gained in later years still there just not in such high quantities.

Firstly, I think Andy's characterization now is much closer to what he was originally in Stamford, but with the cluelessness he gained in later years still there just not in such high quantities.

I found the Christmas scenes darkly funny, laughing quite a bit at Louis' efforts to make his children happy.

I found the Christmas scenes darkly funny, laughing quite a bit at Louis' efforts to make his children happy.

Ted has explained the things that his perfect girl likes or has as a hobby, but I'm talking about her personality. Sure, the girl's Ted has dated throughout the course of the show haven't held those "perfect things" such as playing bass, but we've got to see their personality. And during those relationships Ted always

Ted has explained the things that his perfect girl likes or has as a hobby, but I'm talking about her personality. Sure, the girl's Ted has dated throughout the course of the show haven't held those "perfect things" such as playing bass, but we've got to see their personality. And during those relationships Ted always

No, he said someone dies in this week's episode, he never said it was Opie. Although it looked increasingly likely as the episode went on that it would be Ope.

No, he said someone dies in this week's episode, he never said it was Opie. Although it looked increasingly likely as the episode went on that it would be Ope.

I'm a Sharks fan, so I really like his 500th goal which he scored when he was on the Sharks. Such a fluky, hilarious thing, but it counts.

I'm a Sharks fan, so I really like his 500th goal which he scored when he was on the Sharks. Such a fluky, hilarious thing, but it counts.

As we get closer to the end of this show, the more I hope that meeting The Mother is not the last thing that happens. To me, if we don't learn more about The Mother, beyond her meeting Ted, it will feel like an empty gesture.

As we get closer to the end of this show, the more I hope that meeting The Mother is not the last thing that happens. To me, if we don't learn more about The Mother, beyond her meeting Ted, it will feel like an empty gesture.

Check that, it was transcendent.

Check that, it was transcendent.

This episode poked my funnybone just right. I thought it was an instant classic. That is sincerity, not sarcasm.

This episode poked my funnybone just right. I thought it was an instant classic. That is sincerity, not sarcasm.

Manny's the worst.