Mr. List

The Terry twist was unnecessary.

The Terry twist was unnecessary.

It definitely could have saved it if they let Lafayette stake Tara. But nope, Sookie has to stop him. And the deadweight sticks around to fuck up scenes, I'm guessing, for the rest of the season, probably series. Lame. 

It definitely could have saved it if they let Lafayette stake Tara. But nope, Sookie has to stop him. And the deadweight sticks around to fuck up scenes, I'm guessing, for the rest of the season, probably series. Lame. 

Well, now the 616 Fury reflects the Sam Jackson look due to some "clever" storytelling.

It is so little, but says so much about where Walt is this season.

It is so little, but says so much about where Walt is this season.

It at least keeps us spoiler free until the premiere, which is good since it is the final season.

It at least keeps us spoiler free until the premiere, which is good since it is the final season.

Breaking Bad's done when I say we're done.

Breaking Bad's done when I say we're done.

Michael muses that Gob hiring Starla as his secretary might have been a mistake.

Michael muses that Gob hiring Starla as his secretary might have been a mistake.

@avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus Really? You can't tell that she's insufferable? Well, more so than most of the other characters.

@avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus Really? You can't tell that she's insufferable? Well, more so than most of the other characters.

I wonder why I still watch this show. Oliver Platt is the only thing on the show I like any more, let alone can stand.

I wonder why I still watch this show. Oliver Platt is the only thing on the show I like any more, let alone can stand.

So this is obviously a good place to ask Allison Williams to be my girlfriend, right?

So this is obviously a good place to ask Allison Williams to be my girlfriend, right?

It's a gaming ship.