I have a hard time seeing that as being a factor…
I have a hard time seeing that as being a factor…
Yes—it was the plant AND because they'd switched places where Oscar was sweating it out while George wasn't.
Oh my I laughed very, very hard at that slap.
That actually made the joke about the scientific reasons why he was such a bad kisser (from the episode before?) very funny. I laughed in retrospect at that one.
But he was only with her to do a broadway musical—I think that in itself kind of leaves it open.
I believe it's called being a man…as opposed to being a woman.
Welp, spinachleaf has called it. Looks like we can wrap this up and all go home folks.
That Curb reference got a HUGE laugh from me. It caught me totally by surprise.
I was prepared not to like it (after being worn out on Wiig on SNL) but I'll be damned if she didn't nail the impression. Rogen is just too much Rogen for me to accept him as anything else. He tried, I'll give him that.
Doesn't the show even acknowledge that he goes on a bit long at times though? Maebe hadn't responded for 41 seconds…I laughed pretty hard at that, as Ron Howard had been talking the entire time she stood there.
I think the thing I laughed at hardest was finding out the 'vulture' Michael and Gob heard was Maebe…although I laughed pretty hard at quite a few things. The multiple Richters kept cracking me up too.
Everybody dance, NOW!
But did you like it?
That does sound kind of awesome actually.
Curt Conners has always been white I'm pretty sure (although that could have been changed in the ultimate line of comics I guess). The Lizard has always been green…
At least the next movie isn't going to be a whole deus ex machina about bringing Kirk back—I guess that's one good thing about doing it at the end of this movie.
Yeah, the tribble (while fun to see again) telegraphed the ending.
I'm the same—really liked what they did with it, up unitl the "homage" which just played terribly, and led to the whole, unfortunate reverse death scene or whatever the hell that was. Didn't quite ruin the movie, but man it would have been a lot better had they just left that out.
I'm more of a sausage guy myself.