I liked it more than you, but I did remark at one point that the X-Men kid must have gone to a fucking movie as long as it was taking him to get there and save the day…
I liked it more than you, but I did remark at one point that the X-Men kid must have gone to a fucking movie as long as it was taking him to get there and save the day…
So you're somehow suggesting releasing a movie version in 2014 of a videogame that reached it's peak in 2010 is maybe a bad idea?
Why on earth is anyone saying that out loud to you?
I read this as "his own Avengers underpants" for some reason. Now I want Avengers underpants.
That is actually my favorite moment from the movie—the H.G. Wells machine disappearing (and the people all looking around for it) in the background while he's on the phone.
Or, in a pinch, John Lithgow.
Yet one more reason that part 2 is one of the greatest sequels ever.
They can only be pulled off successfully by the 70's, or things trying to simulate the 70's.
I have the same emotions every time I see this movie—It hit at the "sweet spot" age-wise for me (early 20's) but as the year's have gone by I've come to realize just how stupid it is. Yet, still, somehow awesome. I will say that final confrontation of Keanu jumping out of the plane with no parachute is still in the…
Yeah wait—a trailer for Manos? Or Point Break? Seeing a trailer for either before a mainstream movie in a current movie theater seems equally odd to me.
It does at least get some credit (blame?) for having pretty, shiny vampires way before Twilight did…
I may just have Hickman fanboyitis, but I really enjoyed this first issue—if the one major accomplishment of a first issue is making sure I want to read the next issue then this one wins. It's an intriguing start. I always liked the concept of the Illuminati, but have not been very interested in the execution to…
Same. Image has been crazy on fire lately. This book, Clone, Comeback, Manhattan Projects are all books I put at the top of my read pile every month, but I seriously can NOT get enough Saga. That book is crazy good.
I was raised on musicals as a kid (thanks in large part to my mom thinking they were about the only appropriate thing for kids) so to this day I have a crush on Julie Andrews (and more specifically Maria). Mary Poppins and the Sound of Music had me convinced I would grow up to marry her (and S.O.B coming out in my…
I am jealous of this more than words can adequately express.
Perhaps this is strange, but West Side Story is among my all time favorite movies (and my favorite musical) but I do love Punk Side Story almost as much.
I highly recommend the Christmas Special (as that's a musical as well)—every bit as funny but didn't seem to get quite the play. Christmastime in Hell is sublime.
It's as painful as you think it will be, but the rest of the cast is superb. I wouldn't NOT see it just because of Russell Crowe. It sounds as if you're prepared.
So funny—that's the very first song that popped into my head. and now it won't leave.