Drunk Dave

I often overlook her. But than again I'm 5'11".
*snare hit*

*Spike Lee angrily tweets the address of SportsClips*

He's looking a little too intently at Dennis Wilson's ass.

Ok, so the major problem is that Academy voters are white/male/over 50…isn't the minor problem that people of color have not been in roles this year that merit nominations? In a comment above someone asks what were roles that legitimately deserved a nomination; the response was Michael B Jordan in Creed and Idris Elba

When are we going to get a movie where Tilda Swinton plays Saoirse Ronan's mother?

I would rather watch the Transformers saga in it's entirety than Avatar or any of it's progeny.
Yeah, I said that.

Expanding his parameters.

Speaking of how hot she was, Violante Placido (as seen in The American with George Clooney) is her daughter. That is one delicious apple not far from a delicious apple tree.

Anwar? What is she good for?
Absolutely nothing!

Interesting take, but yeah, you're right, there is some funny happening.

I can think of no better Christmas blessing.

Moon pies? What a time to be alive.

That's actually Carly Rae Jepsen. Her career has kinda stalled.

**rinses mouth, brushes teeth**

Why would I want to detail Tom Cruise's "+"?

I've played many a video game, but only Turok on N64 and the Halo games have made me nauseated. Just thinking about them makes me want to hurl.

…and don't get me started on Joe Satriani.

He was probably high, what with Martha having a fat bowl waiting for him at the end of the day and all.

Dean Cain checks the pantry to make sure he has enough Little Debbie to get through the weekend.