Drunk Dave

I have never in my 50 years tasted Macaroni & Cheese - Kraft or otherwise. I get a lot of flack for that, "How have you not even tried mac and cheese?". Well, I just haven't, okay?
Any of you have a similar food-blind spot that seems improbable?

And what….get on with the fascination??

Have you ever played Jenga while high? Talk about terrifying. And all that fucking pressure. No thank you, I'll stick to Risk.

Today does not suck. I took the day off and am currently baked, watching Dune (Lynch's) and eating Ho-Ho's.

Shh…you'll summon Tity Boi.

In her ass style.

They actually had a similar character that showed how ignorant and out of touch he was with black people. I thought it was pretty stupid, especially him buying the person "Roots" on DVD.

Beverly Hills 90210. I know, I know….I even hate myself for saying it.
But damn, don't I love every minute of it.

Preachin' to the choir, pal.

**thinks about Jack Nicholson's "when they elect a woman president speech" from A Few Good Men, faints dead away**

I'm glad I'm not the only only that remembers 70's bush.


May as well go ahead and make that R.E.M. bio-pic while he looks that way.

I would think Magnolia would count, just based on the many religious references.

A legitimate case could probalby be made to include Superman, but I was thinking more based-on-bible movies.

Agreed - but I did find it very entertaining.

**Alcopheliac drinks, doesn't notice any difference**

I should have been more specific, but I was thinking movies based on bible stories. Ten Commandments would be a prime example.

Legitimate question(s) to any atheists out there:
Do you watch religious movies? If so, do you appreciate them for the "fictional" story they are telling (like watching any fantasy film)? Or are they something to avoid due to the subject matter? Just curious.

Boy, do I have plans for TaylorSwift.stroke!!