
Another hour I'll never get back.  I did like a few things though:

The pacing and balance of this season has seemed really off.  If they are going to have a heavy A plot with Jim and Pam then they need a zany B plot to give the viewer some relief.  The paper airplane thing seemed like an attempt at that, but that was sad in many ways too.  And the Andy B plot had its share of sadness

Norma is the "overkill killer"

If Emma Decody was a little more psychologically healthy herself, after witnessing the mother/son slap fight she might have said something like "you know what? I think I left the iron on back home" and gotten the hell away from those two nuts.  haha

I was a little bummed there was no Yakult, though

Tessa: That's not how you leave.
Ryan: You don't know how I leave.

Nice to see Jessica St. Clair as Gary's girlfriend (who is under the impression that he's a major catch).  I hope she's on a lot this season.

Just…Why? I have supported this show and I still think they have the potential to do great things from time to time.  But this….ugh.  I just don't understand why the show felt the need to enter the school shooting/gun control fray.  And to do so in such a manipulative, weak way.

Such a great episode.  It really did a great job in highlighting the character's competing agendas.  I like that at times Elizabeth is the more committed to the cause and able to shut out other concerns and at times that is Phillip.

I liked the episode and like what the show is trying to do, more generally.  The idea of taking romantic comedy premises and subverting the expectations seems like a pretty solid sitcom formula  to me…The prostitute isn't rehabilitated, harry and sally don't fall in love, the admission of drug addiction is not the

I'm not sure where your  interpretation that the show is turning Norman into a psycho "suddenly" comes from.  We don't know much about his life before the Bates Motel, but there have been enough hints for us to assume it wasn't all a picnic….Finding his father dead would be traumatic for anyone.  Maybe that is where