
In Soviet Russia, toaster takes pictures of you.

You know the show is pretty much a cartoon, right? Bet you don't like Itchy and Scratchy either.

I was like she's already dead but that has to hurt.

Born in the early 80s and I don't remember them until the early 90s. Of course my family were late adapters and we didn't even have dial up until 1999.

I reserve "cheap beer" for the Natty and Keystones of the world, but it's my favorite I can get for about the price of a Bud.

I live in Rochester and I love Genny Cream Ale. Can still get a doucer for $1.25 @ a mini mart up here. Loved all the regional beers. Highlight of the episode for me.

Only question is if Phil or Liz gets the honor.

I didn't catch that he rented a porn but it's a great stress reducer so I would.assume so.

I wouldn't have minded going to Coke State University if it meant I still wasn't paying student loans ten years later.

Solid A for me. Charlie has shown he is hyper competent at Charlie work and pulled off aelaborate mariage purposal. Didn't seem out of character. Love to see The Gang and especially Charlie win every once and a while even if the rest of The Gang didn't dismissed it.

The drums reminded me of the Numbers and Wrench theme from Fargo.

They'd have to go to Ontario to sell some Leafs merchandise.

Favorite episode of the series, as I enjoy the more blue collar type reality show parodies than the E! Network type. Only thing missing for me was some Wheels, though I loved Denise's I Don't Ottawa. Jenny Slate was awesome tonight.


I was surprised that Dr. Crane didn't chide has son to get a haircut because he "looks like a scarecrow."

When they introduce Joker I'm sure they'll hype the Hell out of it or make it super obvious he's about to be revealed.

South Park did it!

I can relate to the show as a shy white male. I've had the same cognitive distortions but I feel like this show could easily turn into some MRA bullshit. Not that I think they're going there but the setup is the same.

The whole est thing seems like a weird mix of Scienctology, Promise Keepers, and new age bullshit. Looking at the Wikipedia page and it seems like no one but supporters remember and care to edit the page. Only lasted half a decade. Seems really weird.

I'm so fascinated by the Paige storyline. Younger me had my politics informed by Rage Against the Machine and I was a Marxist yet still believed in God. Today I'm an atheist yet would totally love to collaborate with Paige's church. They share a lefty idealism but in totally different ways.