Yeah, I hope it will be cathartic for the people who need catharsis but I, personally, could go my whole life without ever seeing anything dramatizing it, anywhere.
Yeah, I hope it will be cathartic for the people who need catharsis but I, personally, could go my whole life without ever seeing anything dramatizing it, anywhere.
Somebody's never spoken to an MBTA conductor.
In that we're disagreeing, I think we're talking about different things: I agree that Alicia may have been very much like Jackie in terms of personal status and insensitivity to her own privilege, and in knowing the right thing to say at the right time, but I fundamentally disagree that Alicia was anything like Jackie…
That's why I said she didn't have friends outside of activities — because when the activities dropped away (Alicia could no longer afford to send her kids to private school), so did the friendships.
Thanks for clarifying! I've only run into the process among biblical literalists (I spend a lot of time reading about/working with members of the Quiverfull movement), but I should know not to assume about other religious practices.
We've heard Alicia talk about her life pre-scandal, and we've seen her several times at the beginning of the scandal (the pilot, the episode last season), and she doesn't seem like she was ever really a grand dame in training — she wasn't assertive in her day-to-day life the way she is now. She wasn't even as…
I thought she wasn't sure that someone could be a believing Christian without being a literalist, and wanted to see where Grace was at. Which: that is probably not the perspective taken by the people who are taking their problems to the Matthew 18 court, so not so far off base for Alicia.
The thing about the cool girl speech is that it's written (and, I assume in the movie, which I haven't seen yet, it's delivered) as part of the Amy diaries, which by their nature are fake, as is every word she delivers, and she goes on a rant later about not believing a word of her Cool Girl speech, but knowing other…
I disagree, respectfully: I'm Jewish, I'm really interested in religion, and so I've done research on it, with the side effect that I probably read more about Christianity (and had heard about this kind of "Matthew" mediation, though not necessarily done with lawyers present) than many of the Christian viewers of the…
I disagree with that — Alicia has never been as interfering in social order, etc. Alicia, prior to the affair/jailtime, had privilege, sure, but she really wasn't one of those Lady Who Lunches. She had a really strong rapport with her kids, was involved heavily in their private school activities, etc., she was wrapped…
Yeah, I was looking in the comments for some pushback on that — I think Alicia has always been a feminist, she's just pragmatic. She went to law school, and dreamed about having her own firm in her twenties (Peter mentions it when she tells him she's striking out on her own), but having kids and being stable in her…
I agree with all of the above. I think this is a ridiculous race that would not be realistic even given the nepotism and cronyism that is Chicago politics (oh, my home, I miss you), and Alicia isn't necessarily a good and yet seeing Alicia and Eli together makes me want to get a Florrick for State Attorney sign for my…
I looked this up yesterday on the IDF website and it said you couldn't enlist without being an Israeli citizen and could only do volunteer service separately, but I checked a different site today and you apparently can be a bona fide IDF soldier through a program called Mahal, though their website is down right now.…
They have the most recent seasons available on Hulu, with five-minute long commercial breaks very awkwardly wedged in there.
The last two-thirds of Season 4, and the first two-thirds of Season 5, are my least favorites. I don't even think it was Jack being a two-timing douchebag that bugged me — because when he was Stride of Priding it, it was hilarious. It was the execution of the Betty and Veronica plot, combined with the Liz being a…
My friend enrolled in the IDF in 2007 too. I might be conflating some things — the program that she emigrated under had penalties if you left before two or three years were up, and restricted the amount of traveling she could do abroad those first few years, but I'm sure you can emigrate without being part of that…
I think it was just a casual reference, yeah. I think in Marissa;s last episode she was saying she wanted to go to a kibbutz, and I think the Kings were just trying to correct as that's much, much less common than it was for people coming of age in the 60's and 70's.
If she's been out of the country for a few years, and Eli really doesn't talk about his personal life to Peter — or really have all that much of one, aside from America Ferrera's character. Really, the person he's closest to, and is close to emotionally intimate with, is Alicia…
It's actually not possible for Americans to enroll in the IDF if they're not emigrating to Israel, and they really don't push for women immigrants to serve in the military. I did a stint teaching English in Israel, on an American-run program, and a friend of mine from that emigrated and enrolled in the IDF — she had…
Actually, I disagree: it seems like way too big of a conflict of interest to have Alicia elected as state's attorney while Peter is governor. There's no dramatic tension there, because this is going to fall through in one way or another: either Alicia never runs (blackmailed out of joining the race, most likely) or…