
I've never actually seen Law and Order and I thought that it was hilarious, both because there were a ton of in-character jokes (mostly with Troy and Abed) and because the tropes of L&O are more accessible than the tropes of GI Joe, which is one very specific cartoon. I will say that I found the first half of the L&O

D. This may have edged out season 4's finale as my all-time least-favorite episode. I'm too young to have any connection with GI Joe, so everything felt weird, disconnected, strangely sexist and racist (when Community is normally very much not those things), and on the nose. I realize that might be intentional, as an

Yeah, I was actually impressed with Jake's restraint — if he'd wanted to just fuck with the relationship, he would have kissed Santiago, because he knows Santiago is compulsive enough she would have had to mention it to Teddy. But he was being serious enough — and he knew there was enough of a chance that he isn't

Well, it upsets me to see a prayer that I find a lot of personal significance and resonance in to be used solely to code people as "Jewish" to a modern audience, thus subconsciously reinforcing the thought that Jews have stayed static for two thousand years while Christians have grown and become more enlightened under

Sincere question: do you have a citation for that? I was taught that prayer services replaced the Temple services, and all the liturgy that I know were created post-Temple destruction — the Kaddish being among them — and I'd love to learn more if I've been taught incorrectly.

"[…] it’s hard to think of another movie in which Jesus’ followers are so clearly shown as Jews themselves. There’s a quietly powerful post-Crucifixion scene in which the disciples say Kaddish for their fallen leader."

Fun fact: pretty much every single quotation that Matthew uses is pulled completely out of context, which means if you know what the quotes actually mean, Matthew makes no sense whatsoever. In a guide Isaac Asimov (yes, Asimov) wrote to the New Testament, he's very snarky about this.

I'm curious as well — I feel like Dan comes across as being a lot nicer and more therapeutic in the podcasts, and I like his voice, but I also don't feel like the podcasts have much rewatch (relisten?) value.

I've seen anecdotal evidence on the Internet of people who just function better with their own space, and so have moved in together, realized they want their own space, and so maintain two different living spaces. That works better when you're settled and relatively wealthy, and also for relationships post-marriage

It's called "The Three Investigators", and Mystery Team is essentially a much better live-action version of them (although minus the booby-trap to enter the clubhouse).

Again with the repost because NuDisqus blows chunks: Sure, that's a plausible explanation for why Meru acted the way she did. It could have been easily been put into the dialogue. Or we could have seen Dukat threaten her, even one time, that any step out of line on her part would result in her husband and children

I honestly felt like it was a light-and-fluffy version of what comfort women's actual experience was like, so…our experiences were very different, then. I'm glad that it succeeded for you, it did not for me, and it was (to bring it back to the original reason for this topic) an example of how Kira was not well-served

Reposting to see if this shows up under the right account: So, the thing that really incensed me about the episode is that comfort women really existed, and were referred to as "comfort women", and were in the news at the time this episode was written (the episode aired in early 1998, when "The Rape of Nanking" was

The one that immediately jumps to mind is the episode where Kira goes back in time and sees her mother as a comfort woman, and ends up okay with it even when her mom seems way more concerned with falling in love with Dukat and wearing pretty dresses than resigned to doing this so that her family would have more to

Precisely, and I'm super-glad that people viewing this in 2014 understand how problematic this is.

I saw that earlier today, and I still can't figure out if that's real or trolling. But it did make me excited about season 5!

@persia - Yeah, there's a spectrum of how you can view the actions of the letter-writer, and I definitely got the same impression you did of how it could be offensive to his trans friend.

Yeah, I am really tired of this abusive subplot that is not being called out. Kalinda, that woman is stalking you and harassing you. Get a restraining order. Do not give her oral, that is a reward you give to people who do not stalk you..

I was hoping that when Will was insisting that he was totally in control, Diane would be like, "no, you've been telling us all that there's a young blonde woman having sex with you, and no one else can see her," and then have the last five or so episodes of Will's plotlines retconned A Beautiful Mind-style.

So many words, so little "I was wrong." If you're going to argue in a stupid and lazy manner, as you were doing throughout this thread by relying on your preconceived notions instead of doing a basic google search on the facts, then you deserve being called out for it.