
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus - We live with his parents, and share a number of TV interests, so. Game of Thrones is an awkward hour.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus - We live with his parents, and share a number of TV interests, so. Game of Thrones is an awkward hour.

@avclub-61b9002f3ed86432952810fa1d25334f:disqus  - I plead the fifth, on the grounds that my husband is also an AVClub commenter. I did shock my father-in-law in that conversation by telling him John Travolta's gay.

@avclub-61b9002f3ed86432952810fa1d25334f:disqus  - I plead the fifth, on the grounds that my husband is also an AVClub commenter. I did shock my father-in-law in that conversation by telling him John Travolta's gay.

My father-in-law saw about two minutes of The Soup and then spent the rest of dinner asking if Joel McHale was gay, because he was "so catty."

My father-in-law saw about two minutes of The Soup and then spent the rest of dinner asking if Joel McHale was gay, because he was "so catty."

My family did similar things, so I feel you. I spent a lot of time seeing The Simpsons as pretty much reality.

My family did similar things, so I feel you. I spent a lot of time seeing The Simpsons as pretty much reality.

Former musical theater nerd here: Pop music/acculturation may have helped the process along, but it's also a learned technique in voice training to shift vowels. I think there's something about the American accent that makes it easier to hold/belt notes while singing, which is why a lot of people "lose" or "change"

I believe I read an interview or something (maybe it was a QI episode?) where he says, "in V they basically cast me as playing Stephen Fry."

Really? During the negotiation itself, they're announcing the trades? I know there are non-stops rumors, but Natalie's scoop here was getting the confirmation as the meeting happened.

Really? During the negotiation itself, they're announcing the trades? I know there are non-stops rumors, but Natalie's scoop here was getting the confirmation as the meeting happened.

Yes, HBO subscribers are the smartest Americans around. That's why there's an HBO CEO of Tits to make sure Americans keep watching when there's more than five lines of dialogue in a scene.

Yes, HBO subscribers are the smartest Americans around. That's why there's an HBO CEO of Tits to make sure Americans keep watching when there's more than five lines of dialogue in a scene.

No, it's the Mr. F arc. The only episodes I don't rewatch.

No, it's the Mr. F arc. The only episodes I don't rewatch.

Beyond the Chocolate War is even better. Poor Goob. And David Caruso.

Beyond the Chocolate War is even better. Poor Goob. And David Caruso.

Oh, sorry, Jinora gets a pass, too. Badass bookworms rule the world!

Oh, sorry, Jinora gets a pass, too. Badass bookworms rule the world!