I can't remember when this happened, but wasn't Carla leaving instead of accepting Turk's proposal (to "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin") basically the same thing as the Lily/Marshall breakup at the end of season 1? I know it was resolved much more quickly, but I remember being shocked when it happened.
Agreed. I love the play God of Carnage, was really excited when I saw the cast (which is basically a dream cast)…and then found out it was Polanski, and I just couldn't. No moral judgments on those who go, but…no.
Jeff/Annie went from being slightly inappropriate yet interesting to being will-they-or-won't-they to being really creepy and an utter drag on the episode. Annie's Christmas song was the worst part of the episode for me, though I think I'm the only person on the AVClub to think that.
My fiance approves of Jeff/Annie, because he's a ridiculously tall and snarky man, and I'm a short, neurotic, Jewish brunette, and he likes the idea of the two of them together. I ship Abed/Annie because I'm a short, neurotic, Jewish brunette and I like the idea of her getting together with the pop-culture-loving…
All right, now you know: Life is crummy.
Well, now you know.
Todd, I think this episode was written just for you.
Fellow Abed/Annie shipper here (but, like, not in a creepy way? I hope) and I am totally gloating because I called it as well. My heart grew three sizes.
Merry me.
Pretty sure it was already used in the first season.
If you get angry at incompetence in popular media, I fear for your health.
The reason to hate Twilight isn't because teenage girls like it, the reason to hate it is the incredible number of horrible messages woven into the series, including anti-feminism, pro-domestic abuse, and anti-abortion-even-when-it-kills-the-mother. People who like vampires — whatever, that's no different than Anne…