I Am the Eye

If I had to choose between listening to the dead versus just going to the parking lot, scoring a little ecstasy, doing a few whippits and hitting on the topless girls high on acid…wait where are they playing next?

Yeah, this sounds like a dare to me.

It's one of the worst movies that I've actually enjoyed. But it was terrible.

All future weather reports should feature weatherpeople playing with dogs.

That's probably one too many.

I keep picturing my boss in 20 years, mumbling into his soup about how the milliberals screwed everything up.

Nah, probably not. But it's the complete lack of transparency that bothers me…at least with Spotify I can see my play counts.

Well, I've never made enough to quit the day job, but there's nothing better than hearing from people all around the world that they love your music. That's the worthwhile part.

Yeah, Cruz has to have the most punchable face ever.

And at least Spotify kicks down a couple of dollars every year. Two albums on Pandora, and I've never seen a dime from them.

If Pandora pays me any less I'm going to have to start writing them checks.

And the AV Club calling them B-Level probably won't help much with their self-esteem.

If it wasn't for the hot "Santa's Helpers"thing, I'd have to kill myself this time each year.

I dunno man, it makes me feel sexy…


They did some of the research for this movie at my work, and I can verify that we do, in fact, look entirely ridiculous.

What the hell was in the water at SNL?

I'm a little freaked out because the "now give me some candy" line was going through my head earlier and I couldn't remember who said it and are you magic or something

I saw him at the Laugh Factory or some such, that must have been about 1990. He complimented my shoes, which were just regular Chuck Taylors. He was actually more entertaining than Skip Stephenson, who spent most of his act whining about how he blew all his money from "Real People" on cocaine.