I liked it. Totally contrived plotting but much else to like about it. Colin Farrell gave a really good performance, and Brendan Gleason always does.
I liked it. Totally contrived plotting but much else to like about it. Colin Farrell gave a really good performance, and Brendan Gleason always does.
Yes, this can't work on primetime tv. Or at lest they'd have to cut out all the jizz and faces being ripped off. Which I really enjoyed in the comic.
@Bucky Calloway
They've never made an album I didn't like, but 10,000 Hz Legend is easily my favourite. Pop lounge lizards don prog cloaks and aim for the stratosphere - great.
A Japanese woman comes to Clark's hotel room and demands he rip her tights, and he goes "LIP THEM? LIP THEM?"
Especially if one or more of the dates is a vegetarian.
It's also a really bad double blind date movie.
I had a dream about her last night. She was old. I thought, "wow, Patricia Heaton has aged really badly."
I think Dimension are rebooting the Last Movie franchise. It's going to be directed by Freidberg & Seltzer.
Honey, I Aborted The Foetus
It's nice to see that Elegant Victorian Lady has controlled her fainting problem. Or is she now fainting before she can type *Faints dead away*?
Also … Ivan's xtc
I once found Noel Fielding standing in the comedy aisle of the DVD floor of a major music/film retailing shop.
The blame for Vanilla Sky lies with Crowe, not Cruise. Open Your Eyes is tense as all fuck. Vanilla Sky suffers badly in comparison - the tension is replaced with mediocrity and it comes with the usual Cameron Crowe random mixtape soundtrack.
Cameron Crowe said that Vanilla Sky was "his band doing a cover of" Abre Les Ojos (Open Your Eyes).
"Greetings, traveler. Who am I? Perhaps you have met me twixt sleep and wake in the penumbra of uncertainty you call unconsciousness. Or perhaps you met me at a book signing."
Am only now watching Mr. Show, thanks to this very website.
There's a very good example of this in '80s action Z-movie Deadly Prey, but rather than trawl through the film like I did, you should check out the YouTube "trailer" (not a real trailer but a compilation of the best bits of the film, including the bit where the hero of the title chops of a dude's arm and beats him to…
Rummy's eyes pop upon witnessing Amazing Shit, looks at bottle, throws away bottle for life of sobriety.
The only example that comes to mind is in Honey, I Blew Up The Baby.