Use Your Allusion

That Pitchfork was so annoying from the beginning. I know it's tiresome to complain about Pitchfork being Pitchfork, but they deserve derision.

Sentient? Look at the Colin Jost lover over here.

Fergurson is so great with guests, I hope they keep that. And his monologue. And Geoff. So yeah, keep everything the same, please.

Vanderwerff rolls off the tongue so beautifully, it's impossible not to say.

I'm not sure anyone could be unsure of which he would like. But having two male models would've felt cheap and mean.

I just watched World's Greatest Dad because someone mentioned in on here as an underrated Robin Williams movie. It's a dark comedy about suicide so it's impossible to not think about today's news while watching. Robin Williams actually looks into a camera at one point (his character is on a talk show) and says

I think its plausible that Nathan's team scoped out a bunch of lawyers until they found one that was shady and desperate enough to honestly portray the character they put up on screen.

What about all the trees?

I hope that neither you or the old, old Japanese guy worked at the bank, you just met there and would sometimes go to lunch.

This is a false dichotomy: the sigil of House Martin has both boobies and weenies.

Life seems like doing that in reverse.

You are stronger than me.

And it's his last album! (He said that now his contract his up, he's not going to release any more full albums so he can have more timely parodies.)

Is anyone else watching the next week's episode on the Comedy Central app? Watching it on a phone is pretty terrible, but it is hard to resist.

"Can I get a little rubby-dub-dub?" Watching Nathan smile is a little disconcerting.

I got Don't Starve and now I'm pretty much obsessed with it.

Welp, I'm drinking alone and watching my Community DVDs tonight.

A. All of Todd's criticisms make sense when I read them, but I didn't notice while watching because I was enjoying it all so much.

The posters with the graphic of dictator Britta with mustard on her face were so great. Lots of funny visuals in this episode.

It's Adam and Eve, not Atom and Eve!