Jonas Albrecht

I do feel like Cat Grant's explanation fails to address the issue at hand, the infantilization of women superheroes. If Clark burst onto the scene at 24, no one would be trying to peg him as Superboy. I'm ultimately fine with them using Kara's legacy title, but I wish they would have put some actually effort into

He should start by making a Jem film.

Dammit, I wanted another season of Other Space!

Just keep rolling tires onto this tire fire, Fox.

Han as a believer in the Force caught me by surprise, but I guess it makes total sense.

Holt's back, episode is an A+.

When I was a kid I thought the Safety Dance video was a music video for this movie.

The change was apparently made to avoid damaging the Raggedy Anne brand.

The Conjuring was great. We ended up seeing it twice. The first night, the theater was packed and there were several great community scares. The second time, the movie had been shunted off to the half-sized theater and was deserted. It was a far creepier experience.

I can only hope Annabelle vs The Boy is on the horizon.

Full Bars was a really good Halloween adventure. I loved it, and for some reason it really reminded me of that old Garfield Halloween special.

I really enjoyed that burn on the Simpson's writers.

I like it when directors try to recreate comic book covers, but I felt the attempt here was really forced, and I ended up hating it.

That Stay Puft Marshmallow Man minifig though…

Happening again, you mean.

One question though: Does this game let me recreate the epic showdown between the Dinobots and Devastator from the 1984 movie?


Speaking of Earthbound, do an article on Undertale already.

The best thing the Sonic series ever produced was Arin Hanson's mental breakdown.

My girlfriend spent 15 minutes sifting through packs of Amiibo cards before choosing one. I thought she was being silly, but then she pulled Isabelle.