Downvote for a Sandler quote.
Downvote for a Sandler quote.
More like Abandon hope, hell. Godzilla's here!
What is up with that picture? It's givin' me the creeps!
Splatoon is such a rad game, I love it. #TeamDog.
Look, filmmakers. I'm not going to get off my fat ass just to watch a giant gorilla and/or a giant lizard wreck shit. You gotta throw in that giant werewolf too.
I'm gonna go eat my sadness.
Similarly, Nintendo's Worlds of Power YA series failed to gain enough traction for even a first movie.
This article is making me feel wizard down.
Star Fox Zero. I wanna hack with tiny robots!
Some daytime Japanese show did a similar prank, and it's one of the greatest things I've ever seen.
Nintendo. Nintendo hear me out. What if, instead of Slippy, our fourth pilot was Isabelle.
I'm sure no one actually believes The Last Guardian will be out next year.
We really ought to just start putting "The Gun is Good, the Penis is Evil!" on our money.
Thor, quit looking at me. You got those bug eyes.
I saw Spy, it was great. However, Feig needs to stop cutting after every line of dialog. It looks awful and is super distracting.
I never got this line. Was it a reference to something?
This is my all time favorite urban legend.
This was my favorite song for decades.