Jonas Albrecht

Played Armada at GenCon last year, it was pretty great. Can't justify the cost at this time, sadly.

Harrison Ford was great in this movie. Iconic, even. You'd need a good leading man to even consider remaking the movie. You find that man, WB, and then we'll talk.

Now *that's* how you bleed all the quirk and charm out of a property!

Biggs is always the anchor of my X-Wing miniatures lists.

Is there anything white supremacists don't ruin?

Well shit, with Backstrom cancelled, I have no one to project my smug, smartest guy in the room fantasies on.

Kent is my favorite.

That was so long ago…

"Captain, you said we were a team. A team of… dreams."

Come on, McDonald's, make #SexGrimace happen!

Look, I expect modern burglars, of hambugers or otherwise, to know parkour. This guy does not look like he knows parkour.

The actor?!

I'd go between his boats.


The Something Awful placeholder avatars are never going to feel the same.

Like a Bossk.

I want to forget I'm watching a JJ Abrams movie.

Struggling with a caption for that picture.

"A Shelf of Bossks" would have been a great user name. You messed up.

"No Miss Vergara, you still have to pay for your gum."