Jonas Albrecht

I left PBS on as background noise while I cleaned one day, ODD Squad came on. I thought it was pretty funny and very charming.

Abrams makes the bland kind of film nerds love these days. Star Wars will be a success.

That's a bit troubling. The Showrunners did a good job of giving this show its own voice.

This is going to go over a lot better than their Yellowjacket ad campaign.

Wolf Cop.

Man, werewolves are my favorite anything ever, and yet I have no clever comment for this article.

I dated a weredeer briefly.

Lulu looks great. Haterssssssssssss!

IP laws protect us from 30 annual Batman/Doctor Who self published novels. IP laws are good.

Of all the costumes to go with, they chose the one from Batman vs. Predator.

Oh my god, who is doing that?

Yes. I mean, come on people, we all should know trillbies are the real enemy by now.

I think the answer to why they tried to rewrite the narrative on E.T. is right there in your post. The dig is a powerful visual metaphor for the lingering, misguided, straight up sadness that can accompany nostalgia.

"TV Troper crossed with the worst sort of r/atheist, complete with a moment where he totally pwns some guy with his esoteric knowledge and everybody else gets up and applauds."

The best parts of this were the rise of Atari. The fall, and subsequent excavation, not so much.

"THERE, you dumb son of a bitch."

Okay, weird question: America makes a lot of remakes of overseas shows. What country would you like to see take Justified and localize it?

I want a prequel, detailing the encounter that led him to hate Tommy Bucks enough to force that showdown.

I really disliked this episode. Everything from lame Iron Man knock off Atom to Joe's "When you're Iris' husband you can be in charge" bit. Also the damn bees. I love that this show embraces its more silver age aspects, but Barry losing to bees was dumb and terrible.

Durr, I'm The Flash, I can't outrun bees!