Jonas Albrecht

What Femputer want with gold?

My apologies then. The comment was not intended to come across as some kind of flailing internet pants shitter.

Except I'm not going "WORST. EPISODE. EVER.". I'm really not, and I don't know why you're trying to make my words out to be some kind of giant overreaction to this episode.

I really dislike when shows take huge leaps forward and then immediately walk them back.

Don't be that fan.

The live version of Jane Says is much better, too.

Well, you're motives aren't heroic, but your actions do eventually deliver a savior. To one girl, at least.

Fucking A, man.

Huh, is that Howlrunnner on the poster?

This episode has seriously damaged my enthusiasm for the show.

The stress level of this game is amazing.

Yeah, I don't really have an issue with her selling the painting. Rather, movie like this tend to omit epilogues that don't fit their narrative.

A bit too on the nose anyway.

Not that I can judge, but I wonder if the movie will forget to mention that she immediately turns around and sells the painting.

This is the gritty Arrested Development reboot I never knew I wanted.

Both sound like good organizations to eliminate.

Also, I'm tired of these terrible ads for Weird Loners. That's not really anyone here's fault, but it doesn't make me any less angry.

Man, I really enjoyed the third episode, where it looked like Phil was going to grow up a little bit.

Smooth move kid, showing up on Category Day. Now you're going to get put into a category. No matter what.

He is as Gosh made him.