
This is just an awful comment all around.

Posting from 2009 is a great trick.

Oh, and Wonderground Radio is a hip, hip station for young kids. If I had any kids, I'd definitely have them listening to it.

Off the top of my head, Randy Newman and Harry Nilsson have some songs that would be cool for kids.

Good list here, AVC.

Miniskirts, combat boots, polka dot panties, kickass-voice and attitude.

There are so many reasons to hate "First Person Shooter," but the one that is first in my mind right now is that awful, awful Scully line: "no fair picking on a girl."

If you're friends with P, well then, you're friends with me.

If you're friends with P, well then, you're friends with me.

My favorite TV awards are the ones where they have awards for the highest grossing shows and the actors and writers with the biggest paychecks. And I love the episode recaps here when we discuss the advertising revenue generated from the commercials and costs of production each week.

Thank you for rating the depressiveness factor. I am still completely wrecked after all these years about the lost juvenile elephant from Planet Earth. I may watch this.

Here, let me catch you up with every episode ever:

I didn't notice it at the time of airing (I don't think, hard to remember), but these are very flirty episodes for our intrepid duo. Given what happens later in the season, I've always wondered if this was deliberate. The actors seem to be having fun with material and with each other in "The Goldberg Variant," along

I didn't notice it at the time of airing (I don't think, hard to remember), but these are very flirty episodes for our intrepid duo. Given what happens later in the season, I've always wondered if this was deliberate. The actors seem to be having fun with material and with each other in "The Goldberg Variant," along

I did little pop culture-related this weekend. Holiday party season sucks up time and I also had some volunteering/advocacy stuff going on.

I did little pop culture-related this weekend. Holiday party season sucks up time and I also had some volunteering/advocacy stuff going on.

Anyone know who directed this? Usually I don't notice direction on the show, but there were a few moments that stood out and I'm wondering if it is someone new or maybe a cast member or writer.

Anyone know who directed this? Usually I don't notice direction on the show, but there were a few moments that stood out and I'm wondering if it is someone new or maybe a cast member or writer.

In recent interviews, like his appearances on Craig Ferguson's show, Tom Hanks has been, as Tumblr would say, "problematic" with references to race. There is also the yellowface issue with Cloud Atlas.

In recent interviews, like his appearances on Craig Ferguson's show, Tom Hanks has been, as Tumblr would say, "problematic" with references to race. There is also the yellowface issue with Cloud Atlas.