
At least all of those had standard X-Files plots with standard unexplained phenomenon. "Fight Club" doesn't have a story at all. No reason why M & S should be investigating. No explanation of the phenomenon or resolution. It relies on gags that fall flat. I can think of nothing redeeming about the episode.

The X-Files: "Fight Club." Kathy Griffin is annoying. There is no X-File, no resolution and the story makes no sense. It just seems like the writers and producers were too tired to care.

If it wasn't for the aborted bee kiss, my completely unsubstantiated theory would be that they were getting it on off and on from after the cancer arc. Watching with that perspective gives an additional layer to some of the episodes.

John Locke was a few guys in the X-Files/Millennium universe. Four, I think.

They almost kissed because Scully keeps Mulder honest, and that's very important to him. "I OWE YOU EVERYTHING, Scully, and you owe me nothing."  Almost kiss.  Sting.

I'm in, as long as it is after 3pm ET. And I'm a nerdy enough X-Files fan to probably stay for the whole thing. I haven't watched the movie in a while. Too bad it isn't streaming on Netflix any longer.

You are one reason why I hate internet comments.

She's Got the Jack - AC/DC
Pennyroyal Tea - Nirvana
The Good Life - Weezer
I Want to be Well - Sufjan Stevens
Keep Me In Your Heart For A While - Warren Zevon
Nausea - Beck
World Sick - BSS
Bird Flu - MIA

And, really, since she is a minor and he is the 51 year-old adult that decided to marry her, shouldn't he (along with her parents) be the "horrible" one in the article title?

I know this is the very least of her problems, but I want to take away her entire stash of frosted beige lipstick from 1997. Try a nice berry stain, young lady. And then go to counseling and get away from all the idiot adults currently in your life.

Some userpics were showing up as broken images, but now they are loading as I scroll down the page, which is still annoying. I don't like this dynamic stuff.

The format makes reading the comment more difficult. The usernames and timestamps are too prominent and the broken userpic images are distracting (the latter will probably improve with time).

More flags than the United Nations
I'm interested in seeing the first interview with an attractive-but-approachable actress after the new comment system goes into place.

No job
She's got to earn some cash for her "crystals" somehow.

Start your comments with "It's a truth universally acknowledged. that…" That should cover it.

Roseanne can't sing. Remember the national anthem debacle?

Steffi Graf
Oh, this is good casting. Patricia Clarkson is great.

If you have to ask, then your streets behind.
I usually don't like when show creators change their already excellent shows based on reactions to the show, but Dan Harmon is an exception. He takes these criticisms as a challenge and turns them on their head. He takes the criticism, does something genius with it and

Outrage and stuff
Did Firefly (Serenity) get left off another AVClub list?