football in the groin

Pete, you were an epic douchebag for most of the series and I'm not sure you deserve a happy ending. But your scene with Trudy is legit going to make me feel happy for the rest of the week. I sincerely hope that is the last time we see you on this show, I don't want to see you fuck it up and would rather imagine

This is where I almost wish they had taken the time travel plot a bit further and made Widmore "Biff Tannen" the future by making a fortune due to his knowledge of future events.

A couple of my favorite moments in "Left Behind."

"Left Behind" is a decent episode, though I always found the flashback weak. The Sawyer and Hurley plotline is by far the best part.

Even more ridiculous when you know that Orwell fought with the Socialists (not Communists) against Fascists in the Spanish Civil War.

I can only begin to imagine the cavernous depths of Mama Duggar's womb by now.

The phrase "So it goes" is not uttered once during the movie though. Kind of a glaring oversight.

Didn't recognize a classic Simpsons quote? I feel like the commentariat should be pointing and screaming at you Body-Snatchers style right now.

The term you are looking for is warsh. Warsh.

Loved this episode the first time I watched it when it originally aired. Never understood the backlash. One of THE best openings the show would ever do.

Excuse me, but 'paradigm'? 'Proactive'? Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to make themselves sound smart? Not that I'm accusing you of that… I'm fired, aren't I?

I was hoping you would have the audacity to give this episode a full A, even though it doesn't deserve it. A- is the correct score though.

Fantastic episode, one of my favorites. Loved how they focused on the power dynamics of Locke and Ben in this episode, visually showcasing how their positions in the island's hierarchy were changing. I remember the first time watching this live and seeing the door slowly open up at the end. My roommate was

Or it could just be that the character as written in the 1st season didn't align with different writers wanting to take the character's backstory in a different direction. It doesn't kill the show for me, just makes it more annoying when re-watching when I can't decide if these are inconsistencies or ambiguities.

The reveal that Christian was Claire's dad had been foreshadowed early enough that it didn't really bother me. It never really paid off in the long run (except in the flash-sideways universe!) except as another reason for Jack to want to go back.

I thought some really interesting things could have been done with Claire's story in season 6 but all we really got was Squirrel Baby. It is kind of depressing to think about how psychologically damaged she would be when they return home and the years of therapy she would need before she could be a 'normal' parent

Yeah, I find it amusing that I never cared much for Claire and often found her character annoying but I really enjoyed every one of her centrics.

That is another great example. It's like the season 3 writers didn't bother rewatching their own show between seasons.

Great Scott, Holmes! The bloopers were always a joy. You can tell the actors really loved being on this show.

I feel like we are making a lot of excuses for likely plot errors and sloppiness on the writers' part.