Ugly Truth

Lobsters are basically pure protein and diets didn't have vegetable fats back then. I imagine if you ate lobster every day you would get some form of rabbit starvation - body needs plenty fat or carbs to properly metabolize protein, and too-high protein diets leave you really wanting fats.

There's no meat on crawfish, bleh.

Not really, they're different classes of animals. It's like saying cows are a giant reptile.

??? Emile Hirsch is 5'7". He's barely a man.

Ha, well any movie that gets you to use a thesaurus for "shitty" that many times probably has something going for it. A truly terrible movie is just one you turn off after 15 minutes, or forget you even watched the next day.

Fuck you all, "Top Gun" was awesome.

I don't understand this one…every single female costume is a sexy variant on the original thing, doesn't everybody know that?

WTF no James Clavell?

Use artificial smoke instead of bacon. And really fatty pork is key.

That's my problem with crock-pots - in the end, every single slow cooker recipe is just as good or better with a pot on the stove (or a pressure cooker, or a cast-iron, pot, etc.). And if you want to go fancy at all, recipes will tell you to brown things in a separate pan first.

Super-heros. They are both about crime fighters with miraculous powers who wear stupid outfits. Just because one wears tights and the other wears leather, doesn't really mean there's any major difference.

Hoping for a Southland movie is slightly more realistic.

I don't see the connection between Toledo and gun molls. Joe Kennedy wasn't always ethical, but stock manipulation (legal at the time) and hanging out in a gangster circle are two different things.

Joe Kennedy was the president of a bank by the age of 24, and the chairman of the SEC in the 30s. He didn't drink any alcohol (considering drunkenness a stereotypical Irish slur). He wasn't really the type to hang out with whiskey-running gun molls. There's the possibility your Aunt Lulu was telling a tall tale.

You dated a manlet LOL

"Her - best romance comedy of the year!"

And what the fuck was up with Ran? An adaptation of Shakespeare, with non-English actors? What sort of hack director would ever consider changing the ethnicity of the characters when they adapt a story to an entirely new country?

More like "Mediocre job, Internet!"

Super-geniuses on a space ship who date Ashley Judd?

I illegally downloaded it right now, I'm not really into sci-fi or space ship designs, but it's kind of cool.