The Information

Yeah. Jimmy Corrigan is depressing enough, but for the full impact, you need to check out the big collection of Acme Novelty Library single-page stories, all of which are basically about the fact that we're all going to die alone.

Yeah. Jimmy Corrigan is depressing enough, but for the full impact, you need to check out the big collection of Acme Novelty Library single-page stories, all of which are basically about the fact that we're all going to die alone.

Agreed. This is probably my favorite novel of any kind published in the past couple of decades. It doesn't seem quite fair that one of our most talented artists, novelists, and graphic designers all happen to be the same person.

Agreed. This is probably my favorite novel of any kind published in the past couple of decades. It doesn't seem quite fair that one of our most talented artists, novelists, and graphic designers all happen to be the same person.

In other words, you're saying that this crosses the line from everyday villainy to cartoonish super-villainy.

In other words, you're saying that this crosses the line from everyday villainy to cartoonish super-villainy.

What, more words?

What, more words?

We'll always have Christopher Plummer. I hope.

We'll always have Christopher Plummer. I hope.

Would you believe…28?

Would you believe…28?

Just ask Jonah Lehrer.

Just ask Jonah Lehrer.

I still know Borgnine best as Sergeant Fatso Judson in From Here to Eternity.

I still know Borgnine best as Sergeant Fatso Judson in From Here to Eternity.

I wish the interview had ended like this:

I wish the interview had ended like this:

Paramount to Lindelof: "Braaains. Braaaaains. Use your brains to help us!"

Paramount to Lindelof: "Braaains. Braaaaains. Use your brains to help us!"