The Information

Interesting fact: the director is Asgar Leth, son of Danish director Jørgen Leth. Which means we can look forward to the son of Lars Von Trier challenging him to five crazy remakes of this movie in about fifty years.

I spent almost a minute trying to remember whether Eragon was the one with Jeremy Irons, or if that was Dungeons and Dragons, only to finally remember that he'd actually been in both. Sigh.

Personally, I love Hopkins as Van Helsing: "Perfected? No. I've only experimented. Animals, goats, sheeps…"

I'll also stand up for Dracula and One From the Heart. The latter is slight but sweet, with one of the great movie soundtracks, and the former is a movie I'd happily watch any night.

SPOILER: The book consists of a series of letters by the main character to her absent husband, Kevin's father, from whom it's implied she's divorced or separated. Only at the end do you find out that her husband is dead: Kevin killed his father and sister as well, and the main character discovered their bodies at home

The book's twist ending is truly brilliant. It sounds like the movie doesn't even try to replicate it, which is just as well—the original twist depends entirely on the epistolary format, so it was probably unfilmmable.

The zombies will rise again!

It was his idea to start with Bonetti's Defense, considering the rocky terrain.

It may be a bad movie, but I doubt it's the kid's fault.

He did write the screenplay for The Insider, which is indisputably awesome.

I'd rather see Horsefellow's thoughts on "War Horse."

Nicole Krauss isn't really gone; it's just been a long time since she was touched at the place of her own essence.

God, I love that poster. I love the dialogue, too, although I have no idea who might have written it. My favorite exchange:

McGregor should stay out of Cranston's territory.

Very sad about this. But it's also strangely appropriate that his death was announced on 11/21, a date of considerable meaning to X-Files fans.

Honestly, I keep buying the box sets because I really enjoy the commentary tracks, even—or especially—for terrible episodes. Plus I'm holding out for "I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can." But yeah, anything past Season 10 is basically nonessential.

Dead Homer Society has a great post about this, pointing out that new episodes are pushing out old in syndication, to the point where we have self-professed Simpsons fans in their early twenties who haven't seen, say, "Marge Vs. The Monorail." It made me very sad.

How do you divorce AK? #insult #noclass

Talk about krill and unusual punishment.

I think this movie just got prawned.