The Information

"Now that you've made me want to die / You tell me that you're unboyfriendable."

"Sweet-Lovin' Man" FTW.

Strange Powers
Surprised you didn't ask him about the upcoming Magnetic Fields documentary, which looks awesome:

I think he was kidding. Also, George Plimpton on "The Simpsons" is my favorite thing ever.

Apparently Baldwin was offered the Jack Ryan part in "Patriot Games," but turned it down because of a) script problems and b) he wanted to play Stanley in "Streetcar Named Desire" on Broadway. According to A&E Biography, James Woods (his buddy at the time) told him that he was crazy, and still thinks that if he'd

In my experience, the best way to get into the Magnetic Fields is to either a) lay out thirty bucks for "69 Love Songs" on iTunes or b) get a friend to burn you a mix CD.

"Dolls' Tea Party" is great. More Claudia Gonson, please.

I have a hunch that "Distortion" will sound a lot better in retrospect, after being paired with the new album. (Although I wonder if it might have been better received if "Realism" had been released first…)

Random Merritt lyric thread…
…starts here.