It's been a while since I laughed all the way through the opening credits. I've missed doing that at Community.
It's been a while since I laughed all the way through the opening credits. I've missed doing that at Community.
I hope Rick breaking the fourth wall like that becomes a recurring feature. Not like, an every week thing, but it's happened twice so far this season and both were pure gold. Wubba lubba dub dub, am I right ladies and gentlemen?
I think that was literally the only thing I predicted correctly during the whole show.
"The characters could never escape comparisons to all who had gone before." Now, this is a really well written article, and while I don't agree with some bits I can see where you're coming from, but to say that someone like Rust Fucking Cohle won't stand out among the other TV detectives that have preceded him. Rust…
I loved this episode too, I'd definitely say A-. Hardest I've laughed all season, I just got swept up in the whole thing.
My main problem so far with the merger story is that no one has referred to the town as Pawneagleton yet. It'll happen. I can feel it.
Season 2 was really good, but Adam Scott/Rob Lowe's arc at the end of season 2 was the best part about the season. For me, Seasons 3-4 were the show's peak.
That final scene about Ilana's sex media had me in tears. This show is fantastic.
Friday: I watched The Lego Movie and it was FANTASTIC, and then when I came home I had a House of Cards season 2 session and got 6 episodes done before sleeping. Saturday: Took is slower on House of Cards, only 3 episodes as I had loads of work to do. Sunday: FInished off House of Cards (it was good, a little…
Every episode this season has had one absolutely killer line. Adam's "c*** cancer" line the other week, Blake's "I guess we know what the BS in Miss BS stands for: BETRAYAL SLUT" this week. I enjoy Workaholics, it's not my favourite show, but a C- was insanely harsh this week. Solid B for me.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Looking at it one way, sure they were dicks to Miss BS, but on the other side of the spectrum, Adam, Ders and Blake all realised they fucked up for everyone, not just themselves, so they were being dicks to one person to save being dicks to 20. Which was kind of sweet, in a twisted…
So many great lines, but Peralta's throwaway "I need to justify this pro-slavery corner I've backed myself into" had me in stitches. Also Peralta shouting TOTES to Kevin. Also "Dancz with Wolvz." TOO MANY!
Marty, from my perspective, is more of an asshole than Rust. Sure, Rust is somewhat ignorant and completely narcissistic to the point of near delusion, but for me he is absolutely aware of that fact, he just can't shake it, it's got him this far, he doesn't need to change his ways to suit other people, he believes…
I think there have been funnier episodes than this one, but I still really enjoyed it. Santiago is developing really nicely into a great character too after being left behind after the first few episodes. Sandler's cameo was unexpected and probably the first time I've laughed with him on screen since, well, ever…
Well argued, but I just find the idea a bit ridiculous that someone with his last flicker of existence realises that someone is going to suffer because of their death, so their body gets second wind from *somewhere* and manages to keep him alive. It happens in TV shows, it's all very romantically portrayed and I…
At the original reveal I was surprised but also confused, but when it was explained through the episode it made more sense and I could appreciate it.
This was the best episode in an otherwise disappointing season, B- is a pretty fair assessment although it's closer to a C+ than a B.
A-. Don't think I've laughed harder at an episode all season, and I've loved every episode so far.
"Alice has c*** cancer?!" had me laughing harder than I think I've ever laughed at this show, the delivery was perfect
Noticed it last week, it's really strange. My guess is they've both seen so much crazy shit that it kind of fucked their eyes up a little bit. Maybe. Probably not.