
Smash always and forever. Been a while since I posted in one of these. Miss ya.

A few comic gifts to myself due to Amazon gift cards: Multiversity, Batman and Robin Volume 6, Suicide Squad (ostrander) volumes 1 and 2.

I think Johns run combined the two. Like Thanagarians crashed in Ancient Egypt and bestowed their equipment and power onto them.

Same here

Same here. Surprised it got such a high rating.

Lmao suck it nerds

Haha I actually really like Mahnke. I like the more cartoonish aspects so I'm not a big fan of Reis, Lee, or Daniels (though I still wish I could draw like them)

Isn't robin war coming out soon which should throw them in?

I picked up the first trade and enjoyed it but not enough to follow each month. Also I completely forgot about Sinestro! That title is fantastic.

This, Martian Manhunter, Secret Six and Omega Men are the only thing keeping me reading DC and I can easily see all of these getting canceled over the next year.

Daniel's art is too generic for my tastes and I've never read anything of his that I've enjoyed. I wish a different artist was on Batman during Morrison's run.

I'm loving that too. Sort of reminds me of Cass Cain, and with her finally going to appear in nu52, I'm kind of afraid by how much they'll fuck up her character.

I'm going to reread it when I get home just to make sure I wasn't too high when I read it the first time.

Secret Six kind of left me cold. I've been enjoying it despite the constantly changing art but this was a pretty anti-climactic.

Sorry to complain about this but I wasn't here when DC announced they were canceling Omega Men, Lost Army, and JLU which I loved. I know not many read JLU I really enjoyed how it's basically a Superhero/villain team-up. So bummed to see that go. Once they cancel Secret Six, Sinestro, and Martian Manhunter, I'm done

Just need 8 more stars and I'll be able to upload more stages. Here are my best ones (imo)

It's really bad that they had to bring back Barry too. Seriously, these two guys are so boring.

He was more interesting as a guy who snapped instead of being possessed. Also Spectre-Hal was pretty neat.

I thought she'd try getting pregnant but then I thought maybe she's saving it to plant somewhere when he starts seeing his online girlfriend (so she'll think he's cheating).

Different strokes. I could relate to so much in Season 1, even if some things were over-the-top (which made it funnier).