
I'm not going to the comic shop for another two weeks for Secret Six, Martian Manhunter, and Robin: Son of Batman. I picked up the first two issues of Omega Men but still haven't read them yet, and will probably keep buying them and letting them pile up.

Love Soranik. I mean as a Lantern she's powerful, but as a surgeon/doctor she's essential.

If you keep putting it off, you'll find more excuses

This whole Cecil nonsense reminds me of that week when everyone was determined to stop Kony.

Something like that did happen actually.

He'll just go with whoever intimidates him the most. Same with most of the cast.

Classic Moleman.

Comics Thread

Wet Hot American Summer is my go-to date movie. The come-over-and-watch-netflix-and-chill movie.

MostlyToastly's Garbage TV Thread: Big Brother

Starring Catherine Hyman

I'm still convinced they wanted Hardwick for it but he's too busy hosting other stuff and claiming how big of a nerd he is.

So we can't talk about Disqus?

Sorry if someone already asked this but favorite type?

Love the Oddish family. Bellsprout is alright too, but I always preferred Gloom in the show to James' Victreebell.

I bet Oddish is versatile. Like a potato.

next gen there will be a toiler pokemon and they'll introduce poke-fusion so the garbage or ice cream pokemon or grimer can fuse with it to create mega muk

And then those dumb Delfinites will only help you save their dumb island but forcing you to complete tasks.

Butterfree. Love status effects and it's a huge help during the beginning of the journey. I always try to keep a Butterfree in my party.

Opposite for me. I tried raising Mareep/Flaffy super quick so I'd have Ampharos.