
It's where you host your podcast.

hashtag dictionary ;)

There are going to be tons of Hamill posts so I'll go Infinite Crisis Joker. Poor guy didn't get invited but at least he got the last laugh.

'Cause it's the complete opposite of Mulaney.

I've only read Anansi Boys, Neverwhere, and American Gods. American Gods is my favorite followed by Anansi Boys.

Nope. It's just some generic anthology with a dull title like "Folk Tales".

Had an awesome weekend in Vermont. Met my girlfriend's sister, went kayaking, met up with one of my friends, ate a ton of delicious food, picked up quality "salad", and me and the gf didn't fight once (not that we do, but we haven't gotten into a fight yet and thought it would happen this weekend lmao)

chancetherapperstan, I miss playing Smash with you

Picked up a sweet book full of folk tales at a used book store over the weekend. Hundreds of different stories from all over the world. Will probably read a few a day.

New Comics Wednesday Thread

Yes but that's one in a thousand.

Plus all the Westerosi lore and folk tales.

Batman: Black Mirror is fantastic but features Dick Grayson as Batman.

Totally. It could have been so cheesy but I thought it was perfect.

You really do. I think they've been recollecting it too so it should be easy to find at a reasonable price.

Yeah. She's never read any comics and I feel like she'd like either. Got her into Rick and Morty and Community, so she does dig some nerdy stuff.

I thought you could on online-comic sites like midtown or comixology but I could be wrong.

You can.

JLA for me. It's amazing how epic most of the stories feel, moreso than the status-changing-quo-event-of-the-quarter.

I pretty much agree with this. It seems like Snyder feels the need to make every arc more epic and explosive than the previous one. I loved The Court of Owls but stopped reading around Death of the Family. Black Mirror was fantastic and it's too bad we didn't get anything up to that quality