
tied with FPOU as my favorite.

I totally agree with you about City of Stairs.

has anyone seen chancetherapperstan post recently? I know he went on a trip a while back but haven't seen him post recently.

One episode away from being caught up!

I enjoyed it but I think it's more due to who's involved. Like if it was full of nobodies (who could act), I would think it's terrible. Definitely wasn't as funny as Review, Broad City, or Nathan For You, but at least it's no Brickleberry.

My ankle's healed so I've been going for hour long walks. Still a bit sore after but that's just from not using it for a month. Going to start running in a week or two.

Saw Monday's episode and liked it right up until the end. I hate how they keep dragging this love triangle out.

Been getting ladytoastly into Rick and Morty for the new season.

Been playing Smash U a lot lately.

Disgustingly humid yesterday. Thankfully it's cooled down a bit.

ladytoastly came over last night to catch up on Hannibal and spent the night since she has today off. Great morning though I'm beat and ready for work to end.

I think that's another reason why I really liked it. As much as I love this cast, they're always in everything together so it was kind of refreshing seeing no one I'd recognize.

Heh, that's how me and my roommates first got into the show when it first aired. Though it helped that we loved Flapjack.

They could make an "extended" Season 7 of 14 episodes or so and split it up to air over two years.

Where are my dragons.

If there's a new episode of Adventure Time or Steven U, there's usually a discussion in those comments.

has anyone seen The Onion's "Sex House"? That was fantastic too.

I name all my videogame characters that.

Does this mean we have yet another boring origin story?

I still think it would be hilarious that when Dany finally makes it to Westeros, everyone fled to Essos.