Under which circumstances Trump never would have become President.
Under which circumstances Trump never would have become President.
They were plainly wrong.
I think if Reagan ran for a third term, he would've lost. He kinda dropped off in popularity, and I suspect he only leveled off toward the end because people knew he'd be gone.
Before the 16th Amendment, federal revenue was mostly raised by taxes on alcohol. In addition to being woefully insufficient for a major power, it led the government to incentivize alcoholism, which became so rampant that Prohibition seemed like a good idea.
I'm in LA as well. I'm leaving in a literal fortnight to emigrate to Israel. Kinda wishing I'd been able to go a little sooner.
Plus income tax is in the Constitution.
I'm on the west coast. Pray for me.
He won't get my vote (provided this administration allows dual citizens to vote). Antonio all the way!
Mostly heroin.
I was thinking more along the lines of The Secret of Roan Inish or Sunshine State, like a campaign ad where a few people sit on a beach, watching things float by, and make occasional small-talk.
Los Angeles you can be pro-labor. Hollywood don't fuck around. In SF, they're so far gone that you either have to be pro-business or a hardline anarcho-communist.
La la la la la la, live Fortinbras!
"He’s snarky, he’s sleazy, and he’s a pimp. No one likes pimps, so he’s got to go."
It's not an Oscar movie. It'll be wide by Christmas.
I'm still annoyed that Greg is tall in real life but shorter than Tommy in the movie. IT'S CRITICAL TO THE PLOT!
Is it real?
How about this: "Kesha's true color is something something Cyndi Lauper."
Semi-related: Is anyone else in the world amused by the idea of a political campaign ad directed by John Sayles?