
At the risk of sounding insulting, Elle Fanning was born to play an alien.

Correct answer.

She had down moments after the mid-90s though.


Lazenby or JCVD?

Golden Girls did it! Golden Girls did it!

Popular opinion: Both Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 were incoherent garbage. Roger & Me and Sicko were brilliant.

It's possible, but it's equally possible that this was a futile attempt to generate buzz for the project. And most likely they hired him because, like indie upstarts before him, they thought he'd be in over his head and easy to control.

Prediction: the live-action Akira will come out the same weekend as the adaptation of Against All Enemies that's been in the works for twelve years and attached to four different directors.

That is narratively confusing. When he's angry, he becomes good? Does he stop being racist? Or is being a superhero an acceptable trade off?

I mostly agree, but it's incredibly bothersome when a mainstream fandom thinks its niche and constantly acts like nobody has heard of their thing. It's not wrong exactly, but it's super-obnoxious and makes me kinda embarrassed when it's an interest I share.

I was part of a "gifted program" that was just a piece of paper in a desk at District HQ. I too got in trouble for being sarcastic and correcting my teachers.

After watching Soldier of Orange last night, I've chosen to live in Paul Verhoeven's reality.

Everyone was reading way too deeply into it, because it's the 2010s and everything must be political.

Mediterranean cultures accept donations from guests to pay for the wedding instead of gifts, but Anglo-America considers this "too ethnic."

Though they may have originated as the same word.

While we're on the subject…

You're Kid Charlemagne!

I used to think The Federalist was an oddly-named publication considering its outlook. Then I realized that the Federalist Party should've been called the Nationalists, and the Anti-Federalists should've been called the Federalists.

Also, Canter's is completely overrated. Go to Langer's. It's more central, better, and you can get there on the train.