Pepe Sylvia

Romero's zombie moviesrun by the oppisite "if anyone lives, it will be the black guy, and if they all die, him last."

I assumed the movie follows the book of job, in which case all his family is killed while he suffers from his illness. and questions YHWH or whoever those crazy jews give up bacon for.

THe best one i've ever seen is this 
http://www.huffingtonpost.c… well thats an excerpt from You Are A Miserable Excuse For A Hero. which i love, from the writer of girls are pretty, a site i mourn every day at 8:36 PM, the one hour I am NEVER asleep. ever.

you do. unambiguous ending. nothing to see here, move along…

don't forget his extremely identifiable accent!

i also viewed it this way, as the truth being out there but completely disregarded. very tragic, and poignant, and awesome.

The authors go into more detail on the parameters, but this seems to fall into the catergory of "what happens next?" ending than a lady or tiger 2 outcomes duality.

my thoughts then and forever. though i enjoyed the movie.

I always thought the answer was definitively the tiger. thats probably just my residual feelings from 5th grade boiling up though. So i guess i learned today that lady or t
iger has an ambiguous ending.

700 comments? its definitely been said, but 25th Hour. remember, your second best film of the 2000's?

Get your priorities straight, debbie. Your spiritual growth through the game is more important than some lousy loser's life.

Gundam. preferably Gundam wing. basically any japanese giant fighting robots. uh, also tactical rpgs. final fantasy tactics, tactics ogre. just any video game with tactics in the title.


it looks formidable, and perfect for what rick is describing. I have not read the comic, but plot synopsis of most issues, so i know like 30 issues take place in the prison, but also that rick is basically just talking about how he wants to live in that castle looking thing on the horizon.

who the fuck is morgan?

mmmmm… microwaved beer….


we usually say drunk

The only important person that dies in Zombieland is Bill Murray

I wasn't watching closely, and i just assumed the kid tripped and broke his neck. shane then breaks his nose because he has to cover for the breakout now that he's not going off to the other camp. He'd even say that stuff to rick about killing him if he hadn't, because shane likes to play the bad guy/ martyr in the