
Considering 'Murder, She Wrote' was a reboot of Ellery Queen (with a female mystery writer instead of a male one), I find her protests a little, well, hypocritical.

As someone who lives more than an hour away from pretty much everywhere, the idea that you can't go to your favorite places because you have to DRIVE strikes me as odd.

Good to see you, Garrett!

Personally, I've been longing for a Vicki/Neal episode since season 2.


When air travel first started, only rich people could afford it, too.

I was going to suggest the Roseanne episode where Roseanne's grandmother reveals Roseanne's mother's little secret.

There actually ARE quite a lot of testimonials from slavery times - lots of escaped slaves and freed slaves wrote books about their experiences, as well as stories collected by workers on the Underground Railroad.

I didn't see it when it first aired because my mom was dying at the time, and I had all the emotional upheaval I could deal with.

Slavery in America, more than 200 years.

The closest they're coming to me is a 9-hour drive.

Since it was made abundantly clear to me on the James Taylor thread that, being a girl, I have no taste, I'm pretty sure that there will be no men at this concert.

Patrick Stewart would have been a good choice, too.

I would argue that George of the Jungle was actually good - fairly true to the original, funny and kind of heartwarming.

So what I'm hearing here is that anything girls like is shit.

This leaves me wondering even more why Jeanne Cooper didn't get an AVC obit. Because she never appeared on a sci-fi show or did voice overs? That seems to be what rates an obit here.

This makes me sad, because it's a book I've reread often since I was seven years old (and I'm over 50 now), and I always find something new and wonderful in it.

Darn. Any date I'm on is an interracial date.

Stockholm Syndrome.

I can't even imagine recommending a book to someone (child or adult) that I didn't enjoy myself.