Max Jets

At least watch Roadrunners! It's mostly just a Scully episode and it's a good one. Via Negativa is one of my favorites of the series but that's Doggett focused so I guess I can't really recommend it to you.

Come on, don't knock one of my favorite artists to praise another, it makes me conflicted! B+ is right at the edge of A-, it's not like Sleater-Kinney is getting way more praise (from a different writer)

Homogenic, Post, and Vespertine are all good places to start. Medulla is my favorite, but I don't think it's as well loved. Post has the most variety though

Yep, this is how I feel. I'm especially disappointed because they didn't really continue the Jeff/Shirley friendship that was the highlight for me in season 3 and my pick for best overall Community pairing.

What do you mean? All of these comments about The Librarians clearly match the enthusiastic, family-themed tone of the AV Club. did you know that Christian Kane is in this show? in fact, I myself can not get enough of this enjoyable ensemble piece!

I would have completely agreed before hearing this album, but it's surprisingly good without all the craziness. I have listened to those first 5 (well, I include 6) songs from Roman Reloaded so many times though, while most of the album has 1 or 2 plays each. Hopefully her follow up to this will be fucking bonkers

Don't worry, Ana Gasteyer will soon be there to save the whole show

I was so excited about Jane the Virgin that I forgot that I was pulling for Broad City! I don't think Girls really deserves it either, but I think Silicon Valley is the one that should have gotten the boot. I like the show pretty well, but being on HBO seems to give it a boost and it would have been awesome for You're

1. Broad City - This became my favorite show on TV by its 3rd episode and I'm (pleasantly) surprised so many people are as taken with it as I am.
2. Rectify - This show is so fucking amazing and I wish more people were watching it. If it had come on a couple years earlier I'm sure more people would, but there is just

American Dad - There Will Be Bad Blood

Lollipop (Candyman) is amazing, don't you dare

I actually liked this episode. It wasn't nearly as delightful as Revenge at it's best, but it feels like the show is setting up interesting things and is actually going somewhere. Margaux is starting to grow on me, even though her plot line isn't. Hopefully she'll move onto more exciting things now. The ending with

Oh damn, I didn't even notice. My two favorite returning shows (Revenge and American Dad) are both being dropped despite both having a pretty high interest level as well as a (currently) high level of quality. Coooooooool

"It’s more like 'What isn’t in TV Club tomorrow?'"

My first fantasy league!
I would like Baylor, Josh, Julie, and Val

Manhattan Love Story
The McCarthys
Last Man Standing
Grey's Anatomy

I watched the most recent 3 episodes after Chelsea Peretti recommended it on her podcast and it seems very easy to get addicted to. I don't know that I'll continue though because I find so many aspects far too cheesy (zingbot, incredibly bizarre challenge set ups) and the way the housemates seem to be pretending that

For those interested, Aaron McGruder's new show "Black Jesus" premieres tonight on Adult Swim at 11.

That's an interesting way to describe The Woods

Yes. Spike Jonze is a stud and I would totally have sex with him, should I be so lucky